Bachelor's degree - Property management professions, Hotel management professions, Accounting, auditing and control professions, Finance and banking professions, Innovation, project management professions, Marketing and sales professions, and Management, organisation and human resources professions - Basic training, Executive training, and Sandwich course
The Bachelor’s degree in management is bi-site, it has different types of courses:
- Management Metz, course choice Financial Control or Innovation Management
- To acquire a real general management culture, in its various fields: finance, marketing, human resources, accounting, etc., so that students can build a generalist and versatile base of knowledge with 2 choices of orientation (Financial Control or Innovation Management) in semester 5 and in semester
- Management Nancy, course choice Financial Control or Human Resources or Marketing
- to acquire the fundamental theoretical bases for the understanding, analysis and support of the management and functioning of organisations. Its main objective is to prepare students for pursuing master’s studies through progressive specialisation in the various fields of management.
- Management of Hotel Activities Metz
- To become a manager of hotel and catering units, chains and independent structures through the acquisition of management skills, techniques and hotel practices.
- Property Asset Management Manager Metz
- to acquire the skills of future managers in terms of administration of property, the implementation of technical and administrative means of conservation and improvement of heritage and team management.
- Control Accounting Audit Nancy (CCA)
- the CCA course allows students to prepare for the professions of certified accountants