The Lorraine Management Innovation Collegium as well as its components (IAE Metz, IAE Nancy and IDMC) have integrated the BSIS (Business School Impact System) device whose objective is to determine the extent and nature of the impact of each component in its local environment.

Several criteria are taken into account in this impact study:

– financial impact

– educational impact

– impact on business development

– impact on industrial production

– impact on the regional ecosystem

– societal impact

– impact on the image in the region

After an intensive work of data recovery, the 3 components welcomed in March 2019, two BSIS experts who came on site to meet the different teams and analyse the data received.

At the end of the report established by the experts and in order to obtain the BSIS label, the components undertake to put in place a Development Plan over a period of 3 years.

It should be noted that the evaluation criteria and the BSIS process have been adapted for international use. This is a first step towards the European certification that the Collegium components wish to obtain.