The Summer
School becomes the Think Innovation Week!
This year,
as part of the ORION programme, the LMI Collegium and the ENSGSI have teamed up to propose their “Think Innovation” Week from July 5th to 13th 2021 at the ENSGSI
premises in Nancy, in partnership with PeeL and the Doctorate
workshops: patents, entrepreneurship, innovations
A rich and
thought-out program around three workshops:
• N°1 :
“48 hours to wake up the sleeping patents” July 5th, 6th and 7th
• N°2 : “Designing an economic model for an international
market” July 8th, 9th and 12th
• N°3 : “Realise your ideas” July 13th
these training days, the participants were able to work on the patents of the
University of Lorraine, test the IDéO method in order to bring an idea to life
and transform it into an entrepreneurial project. An opportunity to get
acquainted with international management or to understand the importance of
“realising an idea” to develop an innovative concept.
This “Think Innovation” Week
was proposed in English and was aimed at master’s,
engineering school students as well as doctoral students.
balance sheet turned out to be very positive with almost 60 participants of 23
different nationalities!
you next year for a new edition!
“Entrepreneurship and innovation in an intercultural environment” from June 30th to July 8th
A project? An idea? Any desires? Do you want to learn how to create a project? Do you want to contribute to other people’s project? Do you want to learn how to work an idea? This e-Summer School is an opportunity for you to boost your CV, by following a week of courses around entrepreneurship and innovation from home!
This e-Summer School will take place from June 30th to July 8th ON-LINE!
Registration and information
To register:
- PhD student? You need to register via ADUM
- Student? Fill out the form available at this address:
Caution: limited number of places!
Link to the brochure: summer school 2020 final – digital
For any further information, please contact:
The courses were taught in English on the theme: management, innovation, entrepreneurship.
Some students came to benefit from the support of their project at PEEL as part of the partnership between IAE Metz and IAE Nancy with Universiapolis Agadir (Universiapolis – Polytechnic school of Agadir and ISIAM), students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazilian university participated in the project of Anne Boyer’s team (IDMC, LORIA) on the analysis of health data.
PhD students from several laboratories of the University of Lorraine (SIRENA, ERPI, LCPME) also participated in this short program.
Some students of LEA Metz under the responsibility of Andrew Copper were able to attend the classes.

As part of the enhancement of its international partnerships, the LMI
Collegium organised its first Summer School from June 21st to July 12th, 2018.
A group of Indian students from the Acharya School of Management in Bangalore
(India) attended this summer school on the theme: Management, Innovation and
The 3 components of the LMI Collegium (IAE Metz, IAE Nancy and IDMC) as
well as the PEEL (Student Entrepreneurship Pole of Lorraine) were strongly
involved in this project.
Classes in English were scheduled during this period punctuated by
cultural visits (Metz and its Pompidou centre, Nancy) and visits to local
companies. It was thus an opportunity to work with the various local
institutional partners (City of Metz, Greater Nancy Metropolis and the
Orne-Moselle Community of Municipalities who welcomed the Indian students and
partially financed the project) as well as economic partners (visit of
Amnéville, visit of Arcelor-Mittal…)
In view of the success achieved, a second Summer School for June 2019 is
being carried out, in close collaboration with the Lorraine-INP (Association of
engineering schools of the University of Lorraine) on the Engineer-Manager
theme including, this year also, the entrepreneurial dimension in partnership
with PEEL.